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Tag Archives: John Wanless

How’s the Weather?

At some point, most of the conversations I’m involved in turn to the weather or real estate, and usually both. It’s not that I’m limited in terms of what I can talk about, at least I hope people don’t think that, but more so that these subjects are easy and good ice breakers. (If I […]

What’s YOUR List Price Strategy?

I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating: choosing the right list price (also referred to as your pricing strategy) when you sell your home is probably the single most important factor in determining how much your home will sell for and how quickly it will sell. This information isn’t only important for sellers. As […]

Cutting Through the Noise – Welcome to 2018

When I was a little boy, there were three shows I liked to watch every year at Christmas time: How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and A Charlie Brown Christmas. I don’t know if it was my affinity for the colour green because I was born on St. Patrick’s Day, his crooked […]

2018 Real Estate Market Forecast

Is it too early to predict what I think might happen in the residential real estate market in central Toronto in 2018? I don’t think so. Because I already spend so much time mulling over what’s going on in the market, I don’t need to wait until January. And I figure I may as well […]

THE Most Important Thing

Selling your home now is different from what selling your home would have been earlier in the year. The rules have changed because the market has changed. We’re no longer playing the same game. One of the ways I know this is because it’s been a while since I’ve heard someone say “Any monkey can […]

Can You Sell Your Home for Top Dollar in Any Kind of Market?

When the market is very hot, as it was earlier this year, there’s a fairly good chance you can sell your home for top dollar. Not every home will sell for top dollar even in a hot market, but the odds are heavily in your favour. This was proven again and again earlier this year. […]

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Government Action and Market Reaction: What Will the Market Do?

The Toronto real estate market is a very hot topic these days. And when people talk about the market, the hottest topic of all is “What’s the government going to do to cool things down?” Well, it looks like we’re going to find out soon enough because the government is poised to introduce measures that […]

Can You Sell Your Home Twice?

Selling your home twice is a very interesting concept, isn’t it? Especially when prices are as high as they are. Imagine being able to get twice as much money as you thought you’d get. And if you COULD sell your home twice, there might also be studies comparing sale prices of the same properties at […]

List Now or Wait for Later?

The residential real estate market in central Toronto typically slows down during the holiday season. Not because buyers decide to take a break from looking for new homes (although some do), but because sellers take a break. Who wants the stress of putting their home on the market when it’s full of decorations and guests? […]

How I Would Buy a House (or Condo)

Let’s pretend I’m you. Or you’re me. It doesn’t really matter. And let’s pretend you want to buy a house in central Toronto. Even with all the knowledge and experience I’ve accumulated during my 25 years in the business, buying a house won’t be a slam dunk. No question about it, buying a house in […]

Stephen Hawking Couldn’t Explain This

If you’re trying to buy a home in central Toronto or if you’re just trying to figure out what’s happening in this market, you’ll want to read this. Not so much because it’ll enlighten you, but because it might provide you with some solace. You’re not alone. Let’s look at this from the perspective of […]

Explaining the Inexplicable in Real Estate

We’ve already established that the world of real estate is weird (see Weird Real Estate Stories if you don’t believe me). It’s also unpredictable as you’ll remember from It’s Not Over Til It’s Over and some of the things that happen are downright Unbelievable But True. But apart from the things that are weird, unpredictable […]

Don’t Forget the $$$

I remember it vividly. I had just started articling when a senior partner, one of those guys with a corner office, called me over and said: “Meltzer, I need you to close this deal for me. Here’s the file. Be at the Registry Office at 2 pm.” I was a new articling student. I knew […]

Making Sense of the Market

We had just finished representing our respective buyer clients in a multiple offer situation which resulted in the sellers receiving a jaw dropping, unjustifiably high price when my Realtor friend asked me “What is happening in this market, Michael?” I’m not sure she expected an answer because I don’t think anyone really knows what’s happening, […]

Buyers’ Revolt

“It sucks to be a buyer in central Toronto these days.” While this isn’t the most elegant language, I don’t think I could’ve put it better myself. It’s too early to start throwing around words like revolution, proletariat and manifesto, but the time for those words might not be too far off. Buying a home […]